Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

Recently, Huafon ESS has successfully completed the first supply of industrial and commercial energy storage system in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan.

The commercial and industrial energy storage system (model: IC1-3090-OD) is now in operation and will be mainly used for emergency power backup and peak-to-valley arbitrage to meet customers' power demand while improving power supply reliability, bringing long-term stable value and pressing the "accelerator button" for a zero-carbon future.


Meanwhile, Huafon's commercial and industrial energy storage system projects in Hiroshima and Shizuoka, Japan are also in progress and will be officially delivered in April.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

Efficient energy storage system to ensure stable operation of electricity


As an island nation, Japan is significantly affected by natural disasters such as heavy rainfall, mudslides and earthquakes, which occur more frequently with global climate change, leading to an increased risk of short- and long-term power outages year after year.


The risk of power outages and the time cost of power restoration are placing new demands on electricity use - securing essential power for daily use and in times of disaster without interruption is one of the key factors in the proper functioning of office and production operations.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

The importance of power supply security is particularly important for large office type facilities such as the Japan Center for Integrated Economy. If the power supply is not stable, it will cause incalculable loss of economic benefits.


In order to overcome this dilemma, Huafon ESS provides self-developed high-safety, high-rate, long-life industrial and commercial energy storage systems to effectively mitigate the contradiction between force majeure-induced power interruptions and customers' continuous demand for electricity, and to play the role of "backup power" during disasters to ensure the normal use of important loads and EV charging piles.


Turning "Passive" into "Active", showing the new power of optical storage integration

01 Peak and valley reduction, cost reduction and efficiency increase


Electricity prices in Japan are rising with the tight supply in the market, and for office buildings, which consume a lot of electricity, the rising tariffs put a lot of pressure on operating costs.


With the new green power mode of "two-wheel drive" of photovoltaic + energy storage, it can not only effectively suppress the fluctuation of photovoltaic output power and help smooth the output of new energy generation, but also use solar power to achieve peak and valley reduction in daily life, thus reducing the contracted electricity price for customers.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

02 Conventional power backup to generate profit by storage  


If PV power is not fully used, the remaining PV power can only be returned to the grid when energy storage is not available. When there is a demand for electricity at night, it will be necessary to purchase electricity from the grid at a high price, resulting in additional costs and expenses.


After the installation of energy storage, the unused PV power can be stored in the energy storage. Even at night when the price of electricity is high, customers can use the PV electricity in the storage for $0 when they need electricity. This approach can reduce the cost of electricity purchased from the grid, bringing more economic benefits.


03 Light storage with zero carbon future


In the context of international carbon neutrality, it has become a global consensus to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the promotion of pollution and carbon reduction technologies has become a major trend.


Compared with other types of power generation, the use of new energy generation can effectively reduce the rate of carbon dioxide emissions, help achieve the goal of zero carbon emissions, make the use of energy more clean and efficient, and improve the comprehensive benefits of energy saving and emission reduction.


Light storage can significantly improve the utilization rate of green power, which will become a "financial investment" that can bring long-term stable income.


Realize the green power cycle together, the advantages of the cloud side of the whole show


Behind the maximization of the benefits of optical storage, Huafon's energy storage can not be separated from the joint support of both software and hardware.


Huafon ESS is committed to providing comprehensive support for energy management: on the one hand, the company independently researches and develops intelligent hardware to maintain the localized intelligent properties of hardware; on the other hand, it operates hardware based on the self-researched "White Deer Cloud Platform" to make up for the shortcomings of hardware in scenario-based applications through software, thus improving the ability to solve pain points in all scenarios.


In terms of hardware, Huafon's multi-series products have formed a more complete matrix, with product lines including large container energy storage, industrial and commercial energy storage, home energy storage, portable energy storage, etc., which can cover the needs of different customers in multiple application scenarios.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

Huafon's industrial and commercial energy storage products adhere to the principle of safety first and improve energy density per unit area by means of integrated integration. At the same time, its modular design allows multiple units to be used in parallel, which is widely used in various scenarios such as light storage and charging, capacity increase and backup, and island micro-grid, etc. It also realizes intelligent operation by accessing the intelligent operation service platform.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

The IC1-3090-OD industrial/industrial storage all-in-one machine in this project is 30kW/90kWh, with IP54 protection level, which is suitable for outdoor working scenarios from -30°C to 50°C and can meet most of the requirements of industrial and commercial use. The same series of products also include IC1-30120, which can store 120kWh of energy.


For industrial and commercial storage split machines, Huafon's IT1 series can meet energy demand from 100kWh to 600kWh with a power of 100kW~250kW, and can be used for emergency power reserve, demand reduction and demand-side response.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

The "Moose Cloud Platform & Moose Cube" consists of two parts: the edge and the cloud. Among them, the edge controller "Moose Cube" integrates communication, control, protection and decision analysis, realizing access to power supply, equipment and monitoring, and solving communication problems between various types of equipment.


The accompanying "Moose Cloud Platform" is based on IoT, artificial intelligence and big data technology to meet controllable operation of resources, energy balance constraints and multi-energy coordination and optimization, providing energy management and digital operation services for energy assets such as customer-side energy storage, power-side energy storage, grid-side energy storage and microgrid, and meeting efficient operation in all aspects. The company's self-researched softwares are designed to meet the needs of energy storage.


Huafon's self-developed software and hardware are highly compatible, making it possible to meet a variety of energy storage needs in a differentiated manner, and continue to create new value for customers.


Global layout for development, establishing new advantages in overseas markets


The Japan Integrated Economic Center project is an important step in the global business layout of Huafon ESS. With Europe, the United States and Japan as the main target markets, Huafon ESS is actively deploying its development strategy in overseas markets, and the effectiveness of its intelligent energy storage system products has been successfully proved by a number of overseas applications.


With rich experience in system development, operation and after-sales service, Huafon ESS has achieved rapid response in pre-sales technology, strict control in production quality and effective guarantee in overall after-sales service, providing support for all aspects of the solution and fully guaranteeing the successful implementation of energy storage systems overseas.


At the same time, Huafon's mature localization channels, superior sales and service capability, super high cost performance and excellent technology in overseas markets have been well received by a large number of customers and recognized by the market.

Huafon's Industrial and Commercial Energy Storage Project Successfully Put into Operation in Japan

"Intelligent energy storage, green future". As a superior energy storage product and solution provider, Huafon ESS takes "making energy safer, more efficient and cleaner" as its mission, and is committed to providing more globally competitive energy storage products, one-stop energy storage solutions throughout the project life cycle and industry-leading services, promoting the development of energy storage industry with technological innovation, empowering new We are committed to providing more globally competitive energy storage products, one-stop energy storage solutions throughout the project lifecycle and industry-leading services.

Making energy safer, more efficient, and cleaner


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